Currency code Currency Transfer Rates Buying Rates Selling Rates
AUD AUSTRALIAN DOLLAR 16,709.89 16,542.79 17,245.90
CAD CANADIAN DOLLAR 18,396.50 18,212.53 18,986.61
CHF SWISS FRANC 27,614.01 27,337.87 28,499.80
CNY YUAN RENMINBI 3,487.58 3,452.70 3,599.99
DKK DANISH KRONE 3,638.16 - 3,777.47
EUR EURO 27,215.25 26,943.10 28,420.33
GBP POUND STERLING 31,723.99 31,406.75 32,741.62
HKD HONGKONG DOLLAR 3,211.58 3,179.47 3,314.60
INR INDIAN RUPEE 304.36 - 316.53
JPY YEN 160.08 158.48 167.74
KRW KOREAN WON 18.04 16.23 19.68
KWD KUWAITI DINAR 82,668.54 - 85,973.23
MYR MALAYSIAN RINGGIT 5,379.96 - 5,497.28
NOK NORWEGIAN KRONER 2,331.49 - 2,430.47
RUB RUSSIAN RUBLE 266.28 - 294.77
SAR SAUDI RIAL 6,767.26 - 7,037.78
SEK SWEDISH KRONA 2,325.99 - 2,424.74
SGD SINGAPORE DOLLAR 18,619.34 18,433.15 19,216.61
THB THAILAND BAHT 690.45 621.40 716.88
USD US DOLLAR 25,250.00 25,220.00 25,450.00

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